A diagram which maps territory I have explored throughout my life chronologically.
A diagram which connects locations which hosted archetypally significant moments in my life.
A diagram which replaces geographical orientation with intuitive alignment of self-development.

A diagram which maps territory I have explored throughout my life chronologically.
A diagram which connects locations which hosted archetypally significant moments in my life.
A diagram which replaces geographical orientation with intuitive alignment of self-development.
Auto ~ One's
Bio ~ Life Story
Pictura - Depicted
A diagram which maps territory I have explored throughout my life chronologically.
A diagram which connects locations which hosted archetypally significant moments in my life.
A diagram which replaces geographical orientation with intuitive alignment of self-development.
Auto ~ One's
Bio ~ Life Story
Pictura - Depicted
A diagram which maps territory I have explored throughout my life chronologically.
A diagram which connects locations which hosted archetypally significant moments in my life.
A diagram which replaces geographical orientation with intuitive alignment of self-development.
Auto ~ One's
Bio ~ Life Story
Pictura - Depicted
A diagram which maps territory I have explored throughout my life chronologically.
A diagram which connects locations which hosted archetypally significant moments in my life.
A diagram which replaces geographical orientation with intuitive alignment of self-development.